Recently I received a notification from my hosting provider that the annual payment is due on December 20th. This got me thinking, so here is the deal.

Frankly, I’m not accomplishing what I had in mind when I started this site. I had vivid dreams of posting at least every other week and how much it would help me articulate my thoughts. There were times when I enjoyed writing posts, but other times it was just the opposite. It felt like a burden. There were no KPIs attached to it, but I am still not that happy.

The above is a common theme for me lately. I do not feel successful or supported in the things I do. So I have the following options to move forward:

  1. With no expectations of myself, continue to have this website as it is.
  2. Change things up and relaunch the site with a new name and different tools. (I have come to dislike the name Vox Scurra anyway 😅)
  3. Write this blog to me in Markdown files without ever publishing it.
  4. Stop doing all of this.

I’m leaning towards option two. I enjoy tinkering with the underlying system, sometimes more than writing posts. I also think that new things tend to change quickly in the beginning. This site is no exception.